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Sunday, February 28, 2010

boring sia today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so late i wake up,then got msj fom my syg dat cher me up
love her soo very d much
u always take an extra mile on everything just to make me happy
sometimes i wonder,it would be nice if i khawin u taw!!!!!!!!!!
haha,bape bnyk  kali la nk tell u,actually its 2 d whole world
nnti aku khawin,korang semua datang ok,haha
haiyoo,jjauh sia ku melayang
ahah,then start d day by calling my dear
talk2 to her in lovely tone
sayang sangat pat die uh
rindu taw hugs n kisses u sayang
aha,random sak nee,who can beat me,i've use up 5482 message a month
soo pissed up wif my dad
pala buto dad,semua org ada weakness la siol,kau pk ape,aku anjing kao pe
dad,u really hurt my heart deeply
all ends wif happyness when d 1 i truely love
u convinsed me,love me,accompany ne,confort me
all through d rough night
ur d one dat stay awake in deep in d nite 2 accompany me through my sorrow
d sweet n lovely words were soothen by the soaring fire dat my dad put on
i love u soo much
d shortest word is,'i'
d sweetest word is,'love'
d only person i knew is,'u'

7:14:00 AM

Friday, February 26, 2010

today was a fucker
friday to fucker day,haha
first reach skola,d hell stupid guru
punyala pandai,reach class 830 am
we all reach at 8am,felt like nk pecahkan pintu jee
then at class ok la
me n ahmad nntin 2 do
he n me like power sial
we play game together
somemore u noe the game,'pinball'
we all challange scores la
then came d boring part
mus upload windoes 98
wad the hell la,dat one so old
me n ahmad finish first sia
we all do in advance
then we teach2 the class,smart rite mee
haha,i noe la,of course
ish3 azli,stop it la u,i no la u smart,haha
talking 2 my mind,haha
then after class
that stupid bodo teacher ask 2 do pest on the windows 98
me,siti & nurul all cabot when d bodo teacher not see
cheebai kanina pundek nye guru!!!!!!!
bodo sia he,tau da bis class,balek uh
ne pon ng gy sembahyang taw,gd boi pe,hahaha
tak la,of course la,gy umpe my sayang!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then wait for ger NCDCC abis at 5pm
then lepak2 n haf many2 fun ngn syg
then we go jogging jap,nntin 2 do
then go play game
then go back home like about 930pm
ok,da itu jee
i love u khadijah,wo ai nee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:11:00 AM

Monday, February 22, 2010

today was the day man
yeah,first2 got mrs sman lesson
taught boring,quite fun
we must ao in a group abt future hp
lepak2 pat klas n finally dismissal
then go kopitiam gy makan wif amat,shahid n brian
gy mamam,then came the best gylee part
then me n amat syco dat shahid 2 follow 2 a smoke talk
he like bodo sia,all like huh,wad is dat
then we hear they all talk nonsence
then got free food from mac donals
we all wad somemore,take 2 packet
each containing burger and apple pie
sedap diol,we eat at canteen
then shahid go back class
me n amat n his fwen brandon(keling)haha
go back
guess wad,first time siol i cabot
seram jgk,hahaqh
then take train meet my darling2
haf fun gyler
today was best n all was fine
is was like heaven n earth
u guys never taught of it
we did it for the tenth(10th) time
ooooooooooooooooooooo yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gerek laa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then we go shopping skejap jee then time 2 go back
ouh,lupe lak nak cakap
sayang,I LOVE U KHADIJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ok da,dats 4 todaee,toddles

4:22:00 AM

Saturday, February 20, 2010

today gerek seii
first2 i reach temp aroung 1pm
then wait my syg siap2 then we go
to my supprise,she wear d black baju dat i like
nice seii u wear dat baju,suke taw i
so sweet of u,somemore we both wear same colour,haha
then we had some fun
walk here walk there,gerek uh nyari
then we lapar sia,pagy tk breakfast
then go makan at KFC
actually decided 2 go mac donals,but full
yeah,lepas makan,we go TM n CS
then go do some shopping,gerek la
then before we lepak
we baught some pretsels 2 eat
thanks syg 4 treating me
skali skale pe,hehe,thanks by d way
then we make2 jokes
laugh kekek siol
do dis do dat
tau2 jer time pat soo fast
then she got to go back,send her back home
wave 2 my syg
reach home,makan,mandi,sembahyang
then as usual,call my syg till malam2..............

4:24:00 AM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

today ok la
fun jugak,first2 ,reach train at abt 8.05am
walau,full sia,we were all packed like sardines
then at outrum i got out then it was like better
reach skola report to block D
some of my class mates were there
they were like cheering for me
ntah la for wad,then d teacher take attendance
he then start nagging about our attire
we bullly him sia
then came the part where he  guided us the way to run for 2.4km run
of koz,before dat,stretch here stretch there
then only few follow jogging for the 2.4km route
me n shahid lead the class followed by mr gino
omg,guess wad,we only had to run 2 rounds around the circumprance of the school
the teacher guided the path which was only 1 lap
we had 2 compleate the 2 laps for NAPHA test
easy pizzy sia for me
conferm get gold one la
then after pe got lesson
quite fun as i n istamak maje jokes all d way
after lesson got some foods frm teacher
donoe la for wad,add diveded not equally
haha,dat istaman go and take 1 can of chocolates sticks
sedap sia we all eat together
then came resecc,after dat got lesson
boring sia,me n istaman make jokes
n tau2 je class da bis
ouh,n not forgetting,i love u sayang
ok2 da
~~~~~~~the end~~~~~~~~~

dis the pic i forget 2 upload
cute rite i at the plsy groung
pls rate,1/10

2:34:00 AM

Monday, February 15, 2010

ok,so here it is
first2 go her house again
the bell sounded,ting tong!!!
mama:eh,azli cepat nyer,nur tengah mandi la,masuk dulu uh
azli:ouh ok,saye ingat lambat tady,haha
dengan muke selenge masok rumah pakai stokin dudok pat hall
ngok suria n talk2 wif mama 4 while till nur khadijah mandi
syg kuar tandas jee me n mama say
me:cepat la bie
mama:nur tengok,orang da datang kau mase lom siap lagy

nur khadijah:sabar la,water heater rosak kan
we all laugh,kekek sak,haha
wait her dress,n i talk2 to mama
tau datang lambat seii,mama tengah masak nasi ayam

then salam mama
again,'jangan lambat balek,makesure before 6pm k'
then we go janan2 somewhere,u all no need 2 no la
haha,gerek luh seii
then go shopping mall
mak oii,kosong seii
then we go makan first at KFC
we also go time zone
haha,play few games wif u syg
hehe,got dis 1 boy dont now play,i go picit d butang
n sweets come out,hahah
then go toys r' us
shopping2,tired kan
go la cold storage,walau,my ice lemon tea taste different sia
then antar her home
n i oso go home.............

3:53:00 AM

Sunday, February 14, 2010

haiyoo!!!!!kluar ruma
then cycle 2 chinese garden then take train
then got many bangla sia in d train
i was like d only 1 mayay in d train
all was banla
but...at outrum all kluar and gerek la,i get to sit
then reach her home
when going out
as usual
mama:uh azli,balek cepat tau,sampai ruma sebelom 8pm
me:tau cik,kol 6 saye da reach,haha
mama:haha,ok la,korang haf fun,jgn lupe tengok jam
me and her:bye mama
turon tangga n jalan ke bustop
punya lame wait d bus
finally reach n arrive within 20mins
walk2 jap then buy ticket at shaw
walau,tau gy golden village
mahal sia

but gerek eh syg
tkpe la,once a year pe valantines day
lagy pn seat pat sane power sai,they call it couple seat
it was like ine long seat for both of us
over all,the movie'the valentines' was gerek la
frm i.50pm to 4pm
gerek luhh seii
overall,10/10 uh
fun n romance!!!!!
then after d movie
feel like not having lunch but we buy
'cotton candy'haha,sedap sia
felt like a child again!!!!!!!!!!!!

then go eat la
haha,still thinking of d accidet
at d bustop her cotten candy hit my shirt
i ask her to lice nad she do it
then kate,'mmm,manis eh baju bie'
the go lepak till malam2
got home,mandi uh,panas siol
call her till 12pm plus
then woke up around 3am n call her again
then go sleep
then a brand new day
haha,gtg lah korang
4 d cine2 out there
hapi new year
n 4 d bangla2
eat more oranges 2 lessen d curry smell,muaaahahahaha
4 my syg,u wait rite there k
ill b there soon
love u dear
happy holidays!!!!!!!!!!

7:09:00 PM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

today ok la
first2 got p.e.
boring sia ,first2 got shuttle run
my timing was good,9.7secend sia
all was like donk now wa 2 do
i was d one dat was power
haha,nonsence la
then we go play soccer
tired fut fun la playing wif all of them
quite easy as i was a pro
then go class
teacher also talk crap
wait2 time came n it was recess
go eat,then don know wad to do
aiyoo bored sia
fcuk la!!!!!
then go class d teacher go do wad got blackout
fuck la him
then su mei come n give me 'ferarrow roshe'(chocolate nice one)
she say"happy valantines day"
then i said thank you
haha i asked for more as she walked near me
then class startred but i was like damn bored
tired u noe,after p.e. got lessons
all like in d mood 2 study jee
d best part came then
going home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we then go take picture uh
only 2 onli i take
go see la
both pic i at the corner left(d hansome one!!!!!)

n not forgetting
happy valantine's day for all yeah
espicially 4 u my syg
cant wait 4 d upcoming sunday
double date pee ngn fairuz n harris,haha
stay cool n haf fun guys
till d next time.....

8:40:00 PM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

today was quite fun
first go to class study3!!!!!!!!!!!
th3en got break,relex2 pat playgroung
then we recorded my friend playing at d playgroung
then at class ada presentation
we r d first 1 to present
prepare for a few minutes first
then was nervous first
then was going well till shahid like stupid
he read all like budak2
i read like profesional sial
all clapped as i reafd,hahaha
no la,joke2 onli
then d fuckin teacher realeased us late
i was like damn angry
after dat i rushed 2 d train station
take train n meet my syg
haf fun wif her till around 8pm
go back n mandi n wanna study!!!!!!!!

4:32:00 AM

Sunday, February 7, 2010

yesterday we go pasir ris yesterday
then today go again
haha.fun3 all way siol
took some pisc sial
planned 2 go escape theme park
then got some issues tak jady la
only we both knew wad happen,klakar dok
then tk jady ke escape theme park,we go mamam pat
E Hup punya machonal
guess wad,we took 40mins sia makan2
took some pics too

then we gowalk2 at d park
take some pics again
luckilly d weather wad fine n wind was blowing all way
we then open our shoes
walk3 at the sea shore
gerek siol,d atmosphere wad awsome
here r d pics dat i've gotten

got many la,tired from d beach
not all i posted
if wanna c ask from me myself
see more la....

got la many2 mored
tired la
i show my pic as i go 2 her house after d pasir ris park
tired go her house,her mama so kind go masak mee for us
thanks mama muila
then got time 2 take pics some more outside d house
rest2 n tk perasan da pukol 7pm
omg,shit running late siaa
see la d pic

dis one at near stairs
mama sebok nk siram pokok,hahah

then got back kene marah
oi,kau ne,balik tak agak2 eh
da bagy muke nak naek kepale,my mom said
i was tired 2 layan n juz go mandi while still otp with my syg
form red hill punya station call2 non stop
da mandi gy makan uh
penat siol
pe lagy,nanti gy call my sayang,takl2 kejap for abt 1hr plus
tido uh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:22:00 AM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love is a temporary madness
it erupts like an earthquake and then subsides
and when it subsides you have to make a decision?????
you have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part because this is what love is
love is not breathlessness,it is not excitement
it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion!!!!!
it is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are
love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away
and this is both an art and a fortunate accident

my night has become a sunny dawn because of you
if I know what love is, it is because of you sayang

from every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven
and when two souls that are destined to be together
find each other,their streams of light flow together
and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being

althouhg this love n sincierity has been more than 6 mnts
every presiious moments had been d best of time we has had
the time pass away but d fun moments stay in our hearts forever sayang

6:43:00 PM

Friday, February 5, 2010

today gonna be fun n exciting
me and u going out together
going off to somewhere far2 away
i love u i miss u i wahha hug u
i wanna everything from u
if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing
I would use my last breath to say"I LOVE U"
I love you not for what you are,but,for what I am when I am with you
We are given two hands to hold,two legs to walkt,wo eyes to see,two ears to listen,but why only one heart?because the other was given to someone else. For us to find
some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why when you close your eyes and you kiss,cry,or dream...
as we grow older together,as we continue to change with age,there is one thing that will never change....i will always keep falling in love with you
The best thing about me is you

4:41:00 PM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

today was ok la
reach school lepak2 dareah tempat PE sane
teacher talk2 while i listen 2 music on my hp
dont know wad d heck he talk crap
then we start d day by play soccer
i taught Abu n Brandon was scared
lastly they turned up tp meto have a match with me
wad he hell,normal player versus a SG player(me)
walau,i taught where hard onli
easy pizzy sia,haha
then got talk abt ciggrates at auditorium
wah...relax sia,cold got air conn rite
then recess we go eat2
start next lesson was mr chiong
i decided 2 change my past n move on with live
i study really hard for tomoroe test sia
ok la
i GTG now,want to study siol!!!!!!!!!!!

2:50:00 AM

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

today wad ok la
i reach clsss got dis fucker use my computer
then i use d com behind me and surf d net
wad a dull day as not much fun i had
walau,today nearly 5 hrs sia in d same room
who not bored sai u tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!
later2 got patents teacher meet,walau
today gerek,i dod not hear a single word of people teasing me!!!!!!!!!!
there i tell u,only time tells!!!

10:59:00 PM

today was ok la
first2 reach school then was like dams early2
fuck tup sia,ngantok tau tk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then lesson was hell bored n muz do dos stupid thingy
then lesson abis we go makan2
after makan2 me shahid n ct go talk2 crap
prank call ppl sia
maje joke
eh,ur joke no funny la,hahahahh'
stupid shahid don noe use blog,hahaha
we were crying out loud
then go back class study2
going home fun dok
meet my darling again
haf fun wif her many2
go makan2 with my lovely sayang
got back at 7om n reack at 8pm
i love u sayang!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:20:00 AM

Monday, February 1, 2010

kanina,fuck u,sien la,pala buto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first2 was like dat,kena kutok2 at mrs Smam class
i then kutok2 them back while d lesson was starting
class go 2 chaos when activity start
fuck dat Abu la,go disturb2 me
then came 2 resess,i eat wif siti
then dat shahid came
with other 2 guys n a new person
talk3,abu n vetha came
we eat together2 n after dat go outside skola
they all isap rokok,i good2 no isap
then all kacao2 me,all la distub me
siti onli distub me little
then folow boy rokok n late again
at class boring n cold
luckilly lesson ends at3 insteead of 5
YAHOO...meet my sayang la,wad somemore kan
stright ayay meet her
haf fun gyleer wif her till 7.30pm!!!!!!!!!!!!
reach home nnite2 n tired!!!!!
talk2 2 her on d phone again till midnite siol
frequently got dis qn(y ayays guy !@#$% 4 no reason???)
nk taknak kene jawap...
hmm...firstly2 bkoz in a verry confortable position
secondly...sensetive wad
thirdly...get used 2 it and aways it change2 one
tired siol
da la,i wanna otw wif my syg
update wen free k
waiting 4 d up coming valintines

4:53:00 AM



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