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Saturday, January 30, 2010

walau,fun sia
first2,i go my sayang house
wait 4 her 2 siap2
salam her mother n we went off 2 meet her
kawan2 pat daerah bustop nya kedai
all reach expect syazwani n atika
5 min later both of them reach
wad,altogether 9 ppl came along
many sia come
we take bus 19,it took abt 20 min
dat $#@% haziq like real
we stop 2 stops away,that were far
we muz walk sia,abt 1km siol
reach d place got many air jets
so loud,quite fun lah
some of them take pics
i then play tai tee
d rest watch porno,ahahaha
walau,then kena wawlk 2 other place
we all walk through d beack
at d end,haziq taugnt got bustop
then don haf,like fuck sia
d stupid 5 boys go take taxi n meet us at bustop daerah SAF
we like power sia walk 1250m back 2 d bustop
me n other 3 pompan jalan2 while d rest da reach
then take bus back 2 temp mall 2 makan2
then all order d same,nasi ayam
hahah,makan2,full sia perot
all then go back,me n syg go somewhere.................

5:21:00 AM

Thursday, January 28, 2010

fuck sia yester day night
just about 2 go to sleep
then my fwen2 call
say wad,got fight near BB court
walauwe,tired sia
nak tanak kene jugak turon
tau2 je da ada 6 ppl under my block waiting 2 go together
wat d fuck men
11pm i wan go sleep pon susah
i tell my budak2 fast one la
we go daereah BB punya CC sana
walauwe!!!!!!!step jee budak2 baju laen
then step many ppl,forgot ug,i tink abe 9 or 10 ppl
we first2 talk2 uh,say wats d probs all dat
skali ofe of then step power sia
go punch d face of my fwens
wad somemore
fun started la!!!!!!!!!!!!
we fight3 all nite
skali got 2 police come
we cabot
they kental la!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i only suffered a few bruises only la
walk3.reach home 3am
tido skejap then go skola
wat d toot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:15:00 PM

today was ok la
normal2 at school
got pe power sia
actually bored 2 update
@#$% dat shahid la
all d power point i do
he do wad,PLAY GAMES only
fuck sia
da la
bosan dok
later2 i update uh

2:10:00 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

today was fucking hell
got 2 go school early
then d talk was like nnting good
fucking hell
abu keep disturbing
was like wacking him 2 hell
walau,,lesson gonna start
finish 5pm plus siol
aut after dat planning 2 meet my gerl
haha,gonna be a dull day
will update soon
signing off

8:23:00 PM

today was really fun i cant deny
5 days stright siol frm friday meet my syg
was fun gyleer,today better,meet her h had most of fun syg
i nk lagy u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sakit eh die punte tuu,cian die,hahah
nk lagy tk?nk3!!!!!
gerek siol
ok,first2 reach school,taught was late
insteadd teacher was late
i wass like,wad d fuck
i came damn early n there he is taking his own sweet step 2 d class
he tink wad,i want2 study luh seii,haha
really siol i study
then got dis exam,muz do group work
aiyoo,so leceh sia
i wanna revice oso cannot
then came abu,vetha n shahid
there it came about teasing me
after finisg project,i revive again
then break,ok la,break so early
go makan2,then brandon n abu outside
we play2 fire
i burn dis ciggrate box,then brandon was sleeping n he was like dumb
he like stupid siol
haiyo,i then make 1 more like spark thingy,he oso like dull
hahahha,dats my brandon,haha
vwtha came n we follow buy,rokok(kontraband)hahahhahah
bkoz of dat i late sia
then at class got test,aiyoo
so damn easy sia
illa n all d girls was like
wat d fuck is dis,i was,well,dis is like pri 2 work
hahah,really,easy pizzza,bkoz i study wad,then easy
sure pass one la,gel full marks
going home time was funny
we distub shahid
he like stupid
we play2 sing his name
not me,abu n vetha
i good boy
then i go meet my sayang!!!!!!!!
tired siol!!!!!!!!!
just got back n wrote blog
i wanna bath3,my mom nag3
then i go study la,good oi
after dat,planning 2 meet my sayang again,hahah
power la bie!!!!
gonna topup my ez-link nw
takecares dude
wink :)

3:59:00 AM

Monday, January 25, 2010

walauwe,todia pissed up sia
first2 at school fun la
mrs smam(superman)hahahaha
we study2,then good sia,got break 1.5hr earlier
we then went 2 eat eif abu ,shahid n vetha
it was a total mistake dude
we then go u buy smtin at pasar
abu wanna buy ciggrates
then out of a sudden then started calling me ,FF,fat @#$%
wad the hell
they kept dening d fact dat im a SG PLAYER
Albirex Nigatha player,below 18
don belive so wad,ahahah
then at class abu c my hp,fuck sia
he say my gerl name kush
i was,wad d hell,stupid,fucking mama,hahahah
then dat citi,wad sia,go tell ehr name,khadijah
througouh d whole lesson abu keep disturb2 me
fed up sia
vetha n citi oso uh uh
say kush2,fucked up siaa
then after school i go meet my sayang
fun gyler dok
we go haf funn
garek siaa,going 2 6th mnth ani my sayang love u bie,muwah!

4:49:00 AM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

fuck sia today
rain2 sia,go 2 skola verry hard
then saw siti,then go class
fuck,reach school then get to know teacher not coming
then somemore got test
we all wantet to debate d exam 2 pospone
me siti n more all talk2 2 d guriu incharge to pospone
suddenly the whole commercial went happy as no test
some went back
d rest keep playing test
n guess wad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got 40/50 for my test
date A for exam
cool or wad
brandon too,cause he copy me,aahahaha
no la,i teach him a little
but hhen i gtg dude
got to continue my project on presentation
time is running out dude
ouh3,n lastly
khadijah,i love u sayang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gonna meet u today!!!!!!!!!!!
yeay2,gonna haf fun3 till midnite
cant await for fun sayang
once again,love u dear
and pease off suczers.............
doing project......................................................................

5:23:00 PM

today school,ok la
quite fun
get to go late sia,9am start wad
first2,reach skola saw Istaman n Siti
then talk2 crap at c green table
wait others so long,go start P.E. la
while playing,d other came
tired sia,so long never play
bran keep saying dat i no good,good wad me
hot n sweting sia
go canteen n eat
dat Abu la go ask 2 eat
funny la him,after sports eat
think wad robot uh
@#$% sia brandon,go borrow my towel
luckilly after dat lesson at air conn room
relak a little,damn cond n had to on off d aircon
which i was scolded of asking 2 off n no d aircon
we then go to hall after lesson to choose CCA
quite exciting la,i choose Archery n Fitntss
sure can won la cope
easy wad,rite3?
then me,Abu,Brandon,Shahid,Siti n Vetha go out
slack3,talk cock many2
always i talk d TRUTH,they all keep denying
they all lauch2 at wad i say
wad u tinh,funnk la they all
then we go back school,makan2 AGAIN
i just sit2 n talk2
blanje2 people coke(water)
go back klass n study
aiyoo,my com !#$@ sia,got 2 sit wif Illa
n dat Shahid aways play game,I onli study
d GOOD2 one la(really)
we laugh2
then i saw Siti so sad sia
use comm then d Ball(mouse ball) don have
have 2 scroll2 inside
i lend la her my Ball(mouse ball)
no offence uh Siti
gerek sia d teacher
5pm lesson end,4pm can go
walk2 2 train go back,rain2 somemore
tack train wif Su Min,Syahid n Ella
talk2 crap2
disturb2 Su Min,then Shahid go back alreadi
then left me n the other 2
fun la talk2 crap
walau,all then go back i at d trarin
tired sia
i wan go sleep la

2:15:00 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

days past n its wednesday
best of d week as get to wake up late
somemore reach school late
reach n saw many people playing CS
eh u guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i wanna study ok
dont treat it like LAN shop
come play game n go back
wat d !@$^% u ppl,play3 is all u noe
some people n me study while d others slack
it was damn cold beb
fun started when we all startde laughing at Abu
fow what in the world i dont know anything n just laugh
cry out loud
then dat Abu always ask me 2 share my gerl
@$!% him la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things got better as my gerl start msjing
was bored n get entertained by my gerl
thanks my sayang
time uh,going back time
me,Shahid n Siti went back as d rest go seperata ways
fuck sia dat Shahid ask 2 follow his path
guess wad,it took 30 more mins then usual sia
but ok la,can talk2 rather then listening music
we all talk2 crap at d train
i was d last 2 reach home
bath,eat do homework,hahah
published post!!!!!!!!
gtg people,will update soon

5:36:00 AM

Monday, January 18, 2010

gerek sak jumpe dia smlm
till kol 730pm malam sia
fun gyler siaa
got this couple disturb
luckilly sia we finish already
we were like,god damn it!!!!!!!!!!
planntin to meet her today
waiting for the time
cant wait sia
in d mean time
surf n net
blog again nxt time

9:17:00 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

cant wait for the time to come
finally 1pm reach n she came down
was so exicted to meet her
addicted gyle sia
2 days no meet,lke wat d hell man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we first go fun2 ar one place
oi get my 5th anivesary present
happy gyle sia,red elmo af course
my favourite,red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks my sayang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love u so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
n sorry did'nt haf time to give u one
will buy for u ASAP
then got hungry n ate at macdonals
we eat at there n we took our 45mins to eat
what a record,hahahahahahaha
luckilly no tot guys,im d hottest there,ahahaha
we get out n go TM,CS,n finally T1
tired2 gyle siol,we haf ful lagy,hahah
3 time sia dat one
only she know what dat meahs
gerek beb
sayang u!!!!!!!!!!!
abt 5.30pm reach
send her back n i go home
at train sleep att d way till thiong bahrru
wass damn tired
gtg by now yeah
besok scholling
will update soon
happy 5th anivesary sayang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:57:00 AM

Thursday, January 14, 2010

mcm biase lam klab
bored,gugr ajar ada yg tk dengar but im d one thats studying
wanna b the good2 one
was rather cole indeed
waited n waited n it ended
missde d loved once,3 days sia nvr meet
go camping wad,wad to do
haha,but d worst has stopped to an end
im meeting her today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gotta be fast,ganna be a fun fun time!!!!!!!!!!!

4:23:00 PM

Friday, January 8, 2010

so the day past just like dat
one by one started talking in d class though
many were decent
d class started to roar like wild fire
then we called it a day as my clock tick to
11.30am,i dashed out n waited 4 d bus to go Tampenis
1hr sai d bus,lickilly i was in time
did not miss any actions yet
then i meet her n we wanted 2 go other else
after dat u no wad,dat fairuz(girl)ask to see her
we saw fairuz(girl) n amira
haha,n they both had 2 sandwhich each
aiyoo,gelojoh sak dorang
then my hp sopil dat fairuz(girl) keet disturbing my hp
pfft!!!d condition geeting worser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like her hp soo dat good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at least mine is one of a kind
khadijah hp better la
time pass n we seperate
i n khad had fun elsewhere where my hp is not being damaged!!!!!!!
we then get ready for her ncd where were late for
but,nice sia she wear d head tingy
really,d we reach there
we,meet two other of her fwen where i does not really redconise
upon raching school,we saw a group of guys
i saw isam,haaha
we make him jealous sia,hahahahahahahahahahah

6:08:00 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

forth day of schooling
wooooohoooee....it was damn fun dude
we first had lesson and it was due 2.5hour
we got to use d com as d teacher did not bother
we were like partying as we makake it as our home some were sleeping
n some watch elephant sex on youtube,haha!!!!!!!!!!!!11
me n my friend was bored n went out to hangout
we went back n get scolding but scolded d teacher back
we continued to enyoy in d air condition room till 4.30pm
was freaking cool n d teacher release us back
went back with my friend taking train
it was @^$#ing funn till i got 2 kiss d train mirror
reach home sleep

3:00:00 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

so long never post
well,get to know i got to ITE Balesitert
it waws fuh
Gtg dude
till d nxt time!!!!!!!!

12:09:00 AM



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